Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: home

  • Today…I can fold his shirts.

    Today…I can fold his shirts.

    I’ve spent today washing, ironing and folding his shirts. Normally, this is a task I don’t love and frankly, don’t do very often. He has done his own laundry for a long time now.  But tomorrow, he goes to college. I want him to have clean shirts and I want…

  • NEW PODCAST! Kara Osborne, Wellness Witness   Woo-hoo!! We have a new podcast!! Gosh, I’ve really missed this. Y’all know how much I love combining faith with fitness, right? And how much I love a program for weight loss or cooking light or moving your asana….you get the point.  I’m all about the new book,…

  • New Podcast! Julie Crawford, Vintage Soul   “THE THINGS YOU ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT ARE NOT RANDOM, THEY ARE YOUR CALLING” ~FABIENNE FREDERICKSON (Anyone who has that quote on their website is a soul sister to me!) Oh my gosh! So much fun! I’m so excited to introduce you to Julie Crawford, the owner of Vintage…