Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: Jesus

  • Freedom!


    Happy 4th of July! As Americans, we have freedom to dream, freedom of speech, freedom to practice our faith, freedom after freedom after freedom. And yet, some people claim it’s not enough. They insist on looking at what is wrong with America and they miss what is right with America.…

  • We all come to the cross with some baggage. Bring it.

    We all come to the cross with some baggage. Bring it.

    When it comes to God, I think we try to show up on our best behavior. Maybe for God. Or maybe for other people. But here’s the thing. He already knows. He knows your fears, your doubts, your memories, your experiences. You don’t have to push them down or avoid…

  • Lent and Giving Up That Same Thing Again

    Lent and Giving Up That Same Thing Again

    A Lenten Prayer by Henri Nouwen The Lenten season begins. It is a time to be with you, Lord, in a special way, a time to pray, to fast, and thus to follow you on your way to Jerusalem, to Golgotha, and to the final victory over death. I am…