Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: Jesus

  • New Podcast with Katie Humphress!

    New Podcast with Katie Humphress!

    I’m excited to share this conversation with you! Katie is the founder of Lane of Roses, which was created to help young women discover their God-given purpose! She is also a talented artist (you can see her work here) and the author of the book, “Fake IDs“. Katie shares with…

  • Do You Want to Get Well?

    Do You Want to Get Well?

    That’s the first question. Ask yourself, do I want to get well? It sounds silly, right? Of course everyone wants to be well. You would assume. And yet, we know people who are just really comfortable in their dis-ease or their dis-function or their victimhood. Maybe they don’t know another…

  • Major Unleashing!!

    Major Unleashing!!

      As I write this my heart is racing. Literally. I’m so excited! I just can’t hide it! I feel like I’m going to jump out of my skin. Or maybe I’m feeling the unleashing that’s coming. Don’t worry,  I know I’m not a dog, duh. And I haven’t literally…