Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: journaling

  • Be Cured By Life.

    Be Cured By Life.

    I was listening to Dave Grohl’s book, Storyteller, and he said something that stopped me in my tracks. He said, “I have been cured by life.” It took my breath away. How many times have I been cured by life? When I was growing up, if I was whining or…

  • Be Present In Your Story.

    Be Present In Your Story.

    Be Present in your life. God is creating a beautiful story with your life. Are you watching?  Are you listening?  Write about it. Include details. What do you see and hear and feel and taste and smell?  Even if no one ever sees your writing, even if you only write it for you, it’s…

  • Why Journaling?

    Why Journaling?

    Give yourself the gift of your own presence. Give yourself the gift of self reflection. Stop. Breathe. Let your mind wander and then put pen to paper. Feel the release. Experience the exhale. Laugh. Cry. Scream. Get angry. Grieve. Wonder. Be amazed. Recognize. Remember. Accept. Plan. Look ahead. Look behind…