Tag: laughing
Oh my gosh…that’s hilarious.
You know what bugs me? When you are with people and you say something really funny and someone says with a very serious, pursed lips, church lady voice…”Oh my gosh…that is hilarious.” If it was hilarious, you wouldn’t say it was hilarious, you would just laugh. Actually, hilarity calls for…
On all days…in all ways…thank you
Lord, I’m thinking of my kids today and I want to thank you for the small stuff. For the way they smelled as babies. For the way it felt to hold them while they slept…for their tiny hands and feet and for their vulnerability and their trust. Thank you for…
Your life…a movie?
I read somewhere to think of your life as a movie and to think of God as the audience. Uh oh. Really? Well, I can see that. I do know He is watching and I do hope He is pleased. I guess it’s a reminder. I wonder what genre my…