Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: laughter

  • HELP! Tell your stories! #unleashoptimism

    Friends, great Big YES on Instagram and Facebook will be running stories of hope and optimism. Please share yours!! Tag with #unleashoptimism and @greatbigyes and I will repost on Great Big YES! I know there are MANY amazing stories. They don’t have to be long or perfect just real. Why…

  • The Magnolia Story

    Major Announcement for all of you who are not following me on social media! (Mom) I am so excited to be a part of the:   Y’all.  For real. We are called the Shiplappers.  I love this so much. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, tune into the…

  • Oh my gosh…that’s hilarious.

    You know what bugs me? When you are with people and you say something really funny and someone says with a very serious, pursed lips, church lady voice…”Oh my gosh…that is hilarious.” If it was hilarious, you wouldn’t say it was hilarious, you would just laugh.  Actually, hilarity calls for…