Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: life

  • Root Down to Rise Up

    Root Down to Rise Up

      We say this in yoga a lot. We need to “root down to rise up”. It’s helpful instruction for yoga and life. Physically, I think of it as planting my feet and forming a solid base before I raise up my arms or do anything with my upper body.…

  • Waiting is a Verb

    A wise friend told me the truth yesterday. She said I might have to just wait. Then she told me that “waiting” is a verb. I asked God to show me what He means by waiting.  Actually, I asked Google to show me what God says about waiting.  Google and…

  • Nothing is Wasted

    Nothing is wasted, she said. I just looked at her like she was crazy since it seemed so disjointed, this life of mine. Classes and books and studying…for what? I think sometimes. The yoga and the workshops and the working out. The running and the striving and the working to…