Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: life coach for women

  • Answer the call!

    Answer the call!

    If you have been following along, you know I’ve been talking about purpose. Purpose is the umbrella over why you do anything. Purpose is the WHY. Today we are going to talk about CALLING. CALLING is the WHAT. The Mirriam-Webster dictionary defines “CALLING” as: a strong inner impulse toward a…

  • Shedding light on purpose, calling, dreams, goals

    Shedding light on purpose, calling, dreams, goals

    Do you believe you have purpose? Is there a calling on your life? Is a dream the same thing as a calling? What about goals? Are goals divinely inspired? Can your purpose change? I was invited to speak on a podcast recently. It’s not out yet but I will let…

  • It’s a good time for a reset.

    It’s a good time for a reset.

    I’m feeling nostalgic. Did you ever lay on a blanket under the stars and just look up, no agenda, no phone, no rush? Remember when reading a book didn’t seem like a monumental task? I love books! But now it’s difficult to concentrate for more than a few minutes at…