Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: #life coach for women entrepreneurs

  • Your Linked In Questions Answered!

    Your Linked In Questions Answered!

    I’m excited to share this conversation with you! I know many of you have questions about Linked In. Should I be on there? Will it help my business? It feels so buttoned up, what if I’m a creative? Is it just for looking for a job? Are there special rules?…

  • Why being a Yoga Teacher Makes me a Better Life Coach!

    Why being a Yoga Teacher Makes me a Better Life Coach!

    Many of us are “multi-passionate”. Have you heard this word? I remember when I heard it for the first time, I was so excited! You mean this is a thing!?! Yay! I’m not alone! I love everything! Life is a smorgasbord! Let’s do it all! As a coach, I often…