Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: life coaching

  • Overcome Resistance.

    Overcome Resistance.

    Are you saying YES to your dreams? Are you finally pursuing a passion project? Are you committed to a new way of life? If so, you’ve probably met some resistance. We all come up against it. It can show up in a lot of different forms but mostly, in our…

  • New Podcast! Listen in on a real life session with Heidi Gedlaman using “The Work of Byron Katie”!

    New Podcast! Listen in on a real life session with Heidi Gedlaman using “The Work of Byron Katie”!

    Okay that’s a long title, I know. But honestly, drop everything and listen to this podcast! Many of you are familiar with The Work of Byron Katie. It’s powerful stuff. Freedom unleashing. Chain smashing. Barrier breaking. If you have not heard of it before, get ready to be blown away.…

  • Action brings Clarity!

    Action brings Clarity!

    Hey there! I love coaching people to take action. It’s so exciting! If you think about why you are not taking action, you will realize it’s your thoughts. Maybe you think you aren’t “ready” or you don’t have enough education or money. Maybe you think “I can’t” or “I don’t…