Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: listen

  • New podcast! 25 in the Rear View – Quarterly Review   Hi Friends! Can you believe this? I have recorded 25 episodes of the Great Big YES! podcast!! What??? I figured this monumental occasion required a review…a looking back.  So this one is just me talking, no guest, nothing fancy, just my heart and my gratitude. Also, some silly…

  • Stay.

      Ok just finished a book all in one day. The beginning few chapters were hilarious! About halfway through I realized I don’t have much in common at all with this writer.  I was intrigued at times and sometimes  bored.  Many of our beliefs differ. I found her shrill at…

  • Day 23: Radio!

    I’m grateful for WMBI.  I love to listen to it in the car. I learn so much stuff. I love the topics and the hosts of the shows and the people who call in.  I love the way it’s not super noisy or confusing or loaded with gimmicks.  It’s just…