Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: mental health

  • Stop Being Nice

    Stop Being Nice

    In the dictionary, the word nice means pleasant, agreeable, satisfactory, fine or subtle.  I also found these details about its origin from Oxford Languages online that I find interesting. It meant ‘stupid’ in Old French and from Latin ‘ignorant’. Other early interpretations included ‘coy, reserved’, giving rise to ‘fastidious, scrupulous’:…

  • Are We Gonna Talk About the Elephant in the Room?

    Are We Gonna Talk About the Elephant in the Room?

    How you doin’? Ugh. Honestly, we are in some crazy times!!! And many of us are still acting polite. “Nothing to see here”. WHY??? It’s nuts. On this episode, I talk about how I feel like I should be able to rise above the chaos and confusion because I know…

  • New Podcast! Listen in on a real life session with Heidi Gedlaman using “The Work of Byron Katie”!

    New Podcast! Listen in on a real life session with Heidi Gedlaman using “The Work of Byron Katie”!

    Okay that’s a long title, I know. But honestly, drop everything and listen to this podcast! Many of you are familiar with The Work of Byron Katie. It’s powerful stuff. Freedom unleashing. Chain smashing. Barrier breaking. If you have not heard of it before, get ready to be blown away.…