Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: moving

  • It’s Okay

    My mom told me a story once.  It was about me in grade school.  My teacher, Mr. G, told my mom what happened.  He said he was helping me zip up my coat and the zipper broke.  He said, “Oh, Susan, I’m so sorry” and he said he felt really…

  • Big Change

    Oh my gosh you guys.  I mean…y’all.  Big news over here.  We are moving to Texas! We’ve always lived in Illinois so this is a huge change. Did you get my references to Big and Huge? They say everything is bigger in Texas.  So it’s a good thing I named…

  • My Dream House

    I’m all over the map today. My daughter is home sick so I’m rearranging furniture and hanging things.  By the end of the day, the dining room will be an office and the family room will be filled with lots of new things hanging on the walls.  I have no rhyme…