Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: online coaching

  • Are your beliefs holding you back?

    Are your beliefs holding you back?

    I was driving in my car talking into my voice recording because I COULDN’T WAIT! I had a lot to say and if I waited to be home with the fancy microphone, I would forget!!! So I recorded the bulk of this in the car. I was ON FIRE to…

  • 100 Episodes!

    100 Episodes!

    YAY!! I’m so excited to be celebrating my 100th episode of the Great Big YES podcast! Listen in and hear how it all started and what I’ve learned along the way! You’ll hear from some of the members of Team YES answering the question, “What does saying YES mean to…

  • Build a Stand Out Brand and Website!

    Build a Stand Out Brand and Website!

    New podcast! I know many of you put your business on hold because you don’t feel like your branding and website is up to par. Or you are just throwing spaghetti and the wall without thinking and nothing matches, you don’t have a cohesive them, you are all over the…