Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: online membership

  • Are your beliefs holding you back?

    Are your beliefs holding you back?

    I was driving in my car talking into my voice recording because I COULDN’T WAIT! I had a lot to say and if I waited to be home with the fancy microphone, I would forget!!! So I recorded the bulk of this in the car. I was ON FIRE to…

  • My conversation with Venus, the founder of Personal Powerhouse!

    My conversation with Venus, the founder of Personal Powerhouse!

    New podcast! You will love this conversation with Venus Monique! She is the founder of Personal Powerhouse and the Sisterhood membership. She is passionate about teaching life skills to young women and helping them gain confidence as they head out on their own! On this podcast, she shares her vision…

  • What’s on the other side of your “YES”?

    What’s on the other side of your “YES”?

    New podcast! It’s scary to enter into something when you don’t know what’s on the other side. It’s frightening to say “YES” when you feel unsure of the outcome. And yet, it’s the first step. Think of all the invitations you have received in your life. Think of all the…