Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: open

  • Open Doors

    “If you are a dreamer come in If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer If you’re a pretender com sit by my fire For we have some flax golden tales to spin Come in! Come in!” ― Shel Silverstein I have always…

  • I just read a really good book

    I just read a really good book.  It’s called What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty.  Have you read this? It’s about a woman who falls off her bike in spin class and forgets the last 10 years of her life.  She doesn’t remember her kids or that she’s divorcing her…

  • Prayer

    Ah, prayer… my friend has a sign by her bed that says, “Pray every day”.  I saw it and I said, “Oh, I love that, how nice” and she said, “yeah, if only I could do it!”  Isn’t that the truth? We all have good intentions.  We all know we…