Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: original design

  • A Conversation and Devotional to help you through this pandemic!

    A Conversation and Devotional to help you through this pandemic!

    Hello Everyone!!! How are you? I pray you are healthy and feeling God’s grace and presence all around you, in your home, wherever you are practicing social distancing. I love that people are now advocating calling it physical distancing, not social distancing because we can still be social!! We need…

  • Podcast with Rachel Phillips – she shares her story of living with anxiety Friends, this podcast is powerful! My friend Rachel Phillips is brave and beautiful and amazing! She shares her story on the podcast of the anxiety that has been gripping her since she was a young girl.  This is a story many of us can relate to and yet, sometimes…

  • Just Be You

    Just be you. That’s the advice my friend used to give me when I would go off on a tangent trying to fix myself and figure out my calling and when I wonder about why I was here and what I should do and what other people think of me.…