Tag: panic attacks
What will you do today for you?
Hi! I hope you enjoy this week’s podcast! It’s about self care. What is self care to you? I’d love to hear from you! In what ways in self care challenging for you? The book I mention in the podcast is, “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der…
Trying a new thing – Great Big YES video!
Okay friends, bear with me…I just made a video. I had something I wanted to “say” and I wasn’t sure I could write it down. I wanted to just say it. It has me thinking about the art of writing and the art of speaking and why sometimes speaking to…
Fight or Flight… or Faith?
In November of 1994, I was held up at gunpoint. I lived in the city. I was walking alone at night and a man came up with a gun and said “give me your bag”. I gave him my bag and then I ran as fast as I could. It…