Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: path

  • State of the Podcast   It’s like a state of the union address I guess. Who are we? Why are we here? How has it been going? What’s the plan for the future? It’s all here.  I’ve been listening and searching and discerning and I lay it out here for you. Listen in…

  • Go ahead, surprise me…

    Since I’m a blogger, I really want to write about everything.  I experience things and when they are powerful or meaningful in some way, I want to share them. But lately I’ve started wondering if God intends some things to just be for me.  If He frowns upon me running…

  • Take a Step

    Sometimes it’s hard to say “yes”.  Have you ever felt like you were stuck?  I have a friend who says he wishes he could believe in God but he’s just not “feeling it”.  He says he needs a sign.  I have another friend who is considering her faith in God…