Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: peace

  • Sharing Light

    Okay, it’s pretty clear that I love to read Christian books written by women.  I’ve been sharing them with you as I discover them. I also love blogs and social media accounts that inspire and lead people to Christ.  Of course I would, it’s what I hope to do with…

  • The Mirror Moment

    The Mirror Moment

    I don’t know anymore. I hear them say the country is going to hell in a hand basket. And I think but God… I listen to reports of protesting and fear and anger. People imagining a particular outcome is certain doom. And I think but God…. I hear of church…

  • In the New Year, I Will Wear Jeans That Fit

    I was trying on jeans the other day.  I found a box with a bunch from years past and I tried them all on.  Every brand was in there.  And every size. All the styles…skinny, flared, boot cut, boyfriend, ripped, cropped, light, dark, stretchy, bedazzled. They represent all the different…