Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: peace

  • Go ahead, surprise me…

    Since I’m a blogger, I really want to write about everything.  I experience things and when they are powerful or meaningful in some way, I want to share them. But lately I’ve started wondering if God intends some things to just be for me.  If He frowns upon me running…

  • I love vacation!

    I love vacation. This is me when we are on vacation. This is me at when we get home.   It’s not pretty. Can you hear me saying, “Seriously, stop it!” Furrowed brow…yikes! Vacation is great because it’s a break from real life.  There is no to-do list, there is…

  • Nibblin’ on Sponge Cake…Watchin’ the Sun Bake

        Okay, this is a test…what does FOMO mean? Have you heard of this? I read about it the other day.  It’s a new “problem” or “issue” people are dealing with.  It stands for “Fear of Missing Out”. I’m not joking. I blame Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and whatever…