Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: personal development

  • My conversation with Venus, the founder of Personal Powerhouse!

    My conversation with Venus, the founder of Personal Powerhouse!

    New podcast! You will love this conversation with Venus Monique! She is the founder of Personal Powerhouse and the Sisterhood membership. She is passionate about teaching life skills to young women and helping them gain confidence as they head out on their own! On this podcast, she shares her vision…

  • Decide to create the life you want!

    Decide to create the life you want!

    At some point, you have to make a decision. Of course, you make a lot of decisions in your life, big and small. But there is one decision that changes everything. You must DECIDE that you CAN create the life you want. It all starts with your decision to take…

  • Why would you hire a Life Coach?

    Why would you hire a Life Coach?

    The other day I met with an accountant. With regards to running a business, I realized I can’t do it all. I’ve also hired a photographer, someone to help with my website, I’ve asked countless questions about email lists and social media. I am learning. I’m going to the people…