Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: Pinterest

  • Freedom, Sunshine and Open Hearts

    This is how I feel today. That’s Jesus breaking out of the tomb. I love how he’s running. He’s free. We are free too. That’s the miracle of Easter.  I hope you had a good Easter and I hope you feel God’s amazing power and grace. Today is a new…

  • My Dream House

    I’m all over the map today. My daughter is home sick so I’m rearranging furniture and hanging things.  By the end of the day, the dining room will be an office and the family room will be filled with lots of new things hanging on the walls.  I have no rhyme…

  • Nibblin’ on Sponge Cake…Watchin’ the Sun Bake

        Okay, this is a test…what does FOMO mean? Have you heard of this? I read about it the other day.  It’s a new “problem” or “issue” people are dealing with.  It stands for “Fear of Missing Out”. I’m not joking. I blame Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and whatever…