Tag: podcast for christian women
Are your beliefs holding you back?
I was driving in my car talking into my voice recording because I COULDN’T WAIT! I had a lot to say and if I waited to be home with the fancy microphone, I would forget!!! So I recorded the bulk of this in the car. I was ON FIRE to…
Sell without being cheesy or sleazy – New podcast episode!
Do you hear “sales” and want to run for the hills? I get it. We have all of these old ideas running through our minds about what it means to “sell”. Well, consider this episode your shot of energy. Wake up and smell the coffee. Sales has changed. You can…
Are you ready to break out of the box?
New podcast is up! I love Mary Oliver’s poems. I share one here. It’s about going headlong into life instead of always being cautious. How do we live freely? We all have this beautiful, wild soul within us longing to be free but we put so many limits on ourselves,…