Tag: Pray
Letter to My Daughter on Her First Day of High School
This post originally appeared on the blog in 2012 when my oldest daughter started high school. This year my younger daughter starts her freshman year. I’m reposting because I’d say the same things to her. Of course I would say some different things too. Because she is different. And now,…
Intentional Rest
It’s July! In July, Holy Yoga rests. Ministry wide, we take a sabbath…on purpose. It’s intentional. And challenging. I’m tempted to say, “Who? Me? I’m good with resting. I like to lay around and be lazy.” But the truth is, I may look like I’m resting. Feet up and coffee…
Peace on Purpose…Everywhere
It happened again this year. As we were wrapping up our annual trip to Colorado and we were driving out of Steamboat, the sun was amazing over the mountains and the ground was blanketed in fresh powder but I was crying. Tears were streaming down my face as we started…