Tag: prayers
The Gift I Really Want for Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day has me looking through old photographs, reminiscing. My kids are older now, 19, 17 and 14. They aren’t thrilled to have their picture taken. I have so many good ones from when they were kids. I love the pictures of them all together, the way they hang on…
Nothing is Wasted
Nothing is wasted, she said. I just looked at her like she was crazy since it seemed so disjointed, this life of mine. Classes and books and studying…for what? I think sometimes. The yoga and the workshops and the working out. The running and the striving and the working to…
Here We Go Again
Last year I wrote a post on the first day of high school for my daughter. We survived the first year. So of course there are new things I hope for her and for my other kids which we can get to later. Today, I’m posting the letter again in…