Tag: receive
I love Warrior 2 pose. In Holy Yoga, we encourage people to turn their palms up in order to receive God’s blessings. We can’t receive with a closed hand. We can’t soften with a clenched fist. Warriors in Holy Yoga are strong and soft. We have thick skin and…
Receiving and Giving
Three is the magic number. My son asked me the other day why three is the magic number and I said “Because of the trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” The rest of my family came up with a bunch of other reasons so we decided it’s the magic…
Don’t talk about our bodies? Really?
My friends and I got together today for lunch. We all have matching bracelets. All crosses. My friend says they are a beautiful touch stone for our friendships, built on faith and wrapped around all of our lives. Which of course I love and felt I needed to commemorate. I…