Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: rest

  • Intentional Rest

    It’s July! In July, Holy Yoga rests.  Ministry wide, we take a sabbath…on purpose. It’s intentional. And challenging. I’m tempted to say, “Who? Me? I’m good with resting.  I like to lay around and be lazy.” But the truth is, I may look like I’m resting.  Feet up and coffee…

  • Day 14: Grace

    I’m so grateful for the unforced rhythms of grace. ©2013 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big YES™  All Rights Reserved

  • It’s Good To Be Friends

      I picked up my son from Religious Education class (that sounds really formal but here are the other choices…CCD, YC, Sunday school (but not on a Sunday), RE, Catechism…you get the point…no one knows what we are even talking about anymore!) He gets in the car and hands me…