Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: rest

  • Great Change is on the Way!

    IT’S FIXED! IT’S FIXED! IT’S FIXED!   Woo- hoo!  We are up and running again thanks to the FABULOUS AMAZING dear friend of mine, Patty Ptacek.  She is the first person I met when I moved here 15 years ago 🙂  and she is lovely and kind and a good friend…

  • Rest

    It’s Tuesday and I want to unwrap my blessings for “Tuesday’s Unwrapped”. But first there is something weighing heavy on me. It’s not just something, there are lots of things.  It’s loss…loss of life and loss of innocence.  It’s the heavy weight of parenting and trusting and sending them out…

  • Nibblin’ on Sponge Cake…Watchin’ the Sun Bake

        Okay, this is a test…what does FOMO mean? Have you heard of this? I read about it the other day.  It’s a new “problem” or “issue” people are dealing with.  It stands for “Fear of Missing Out”. I’m not joking. I blame Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and whatever…