Tag: say yes
What’s on the other side of your “YES”?
New podcast! It’s scary to enter into something when you don’t know what’s on the other side. It’s frightening to say “YES” when you feel unsure of the outcome. And yet, it’s the first step. Think of all the invitations you have received in your life. Think of all the…
Change your Thoughts, Change your Mind
Hey there! Are you ready to have your mind blown? Are you ready to finally take ownership of your life? On this podcast episode, I teach you how to use “The Model”. It’s a coaching tool that will help you take action and get busy building a life you love.…
New Podcast – Notice your thoughts!
Hi Everyone! I posted a new podcast today! It’s short and sweet! About 15 minutes and a great way to kick start your week! I’m excited to talk to you about life coaching and give you some tools to use in your own life. Today’s topic is Taking every thought…