Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: sin

  • Do You Want to Get Well?

    Do You Want to Get Well?

    That’s the first question. Ask yourself, do I want to get well? It sounds silly, right? Of course everyone wants to be well. You would assume. And yet, we know people who are just really comfortable in their dis-ease or their dis-function or their victimhood. Maybe they don’t know another…

  • Podcast 21: Hope and Healing After Pornography Addiction – Tina Harris shares her story   It’s not easy to share our most personal, difficult struggles.  But that’s exactly what Tina Harris does here on the podcast.  She opens up about her marriage and her husband’s addiction to pornography.  Their story is one of faith and courage and hope and healing.  She shares her…

  • You Get Wise, You Get to Church!

      My husband loves to quote movies. Thus, the title of this post.  Can anyone tell me who said it? Or what movie it’s from? We get lots of advice from people, don’t we?  Solicited, Unsolicited…it doesn’t matter, some people just like to advise.  Let’s be honest, we have all…