Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: sons

  • New Podcast! Katie Zamot of @themommytribe   I’m excited to introduce you to Katie Zamot.  You may know her from instagram – she is the founder of The Mommy Tribe.  (The Mommy Tribe on Instagram @themommytribe ) She also has a website Katie felt the Lord calling her to start an instagram account to…

  • The Gift I Really Want for Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day has me looking through old photographs, reminiscing.  My kids are older now, 19, 17 and 14. They aren’t thrilled to have their picture taken. I have so many good ones from when they were kids.  I love the pictures of them all together, the way they hang on…

  • Clapping and Crying with all the other Moms

    I always weep at endings. The end of the school year slays me every time. More than any other ending, it marks time for me. The slash on the calendar is dark blood red. This ending has been earned. Yet I don’t want it. The door closing feels heavy and…