Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: story

  • Wear the Boots!

    Wear the Boots!

      When I saw this picture, I started crying. This was taken at the BeLydia event when I shared Chair Holy Yoga with the group. I had a chance to share my testimony about suffering from panic and anxiety after being held up at gun point. I was able to…

  • My Joy Story

    stars light up the night. big Texas sky covers us graciously. tucking us in for a story. campfire burns. we stare. mesmerized by light and warmth. notes play as voices sing. sharing loss and desire. we understand each other.  universal stories. contentment.  joyful noise. he reaches out for my hand…

  • Clapping and Crying with all the other Moms

    I always weep at endings. The end of the school year slays me every time. More than any other ending, it marks time for me. The slash on the calendar is dark blood red. This ending has been earned. Yet I don’t want it. The door closing feels heavy and…