Tag: uncomfortable
This is our Invitation to Move from Comfort to Contentment
It’s challenging to move out of your comfort zone and grow. Sometimes we have to be forced to do so. I believe that’s what’s happening now with the Coronavirus. We are being told to stay home and practice “social distancing”. Our regular way of life is being interrupted. We have…
Clapping and Crying with all the other Moms
I always weep at endings. The end of the school year slays me every time. More than any other ending, it marks time for me. The slash on the calendar is dark blood red. This ending has been earned. Yet I don’t want it. The door closing feels heavy and…
Jesus is the Intention
Lent is starting. Ash Wednesday is here. This brings up a treasure trove of emotions. Being raised Catholic Lent meant that we wouldn’t eat meat on Fridays and we would “give something up”…meaning chocolate or swearing or complaining. Kind of like a diet. Temporary, restricting and doesn’t create lasting change. At…