Happy 4th of July! As Americans, we have freedom to dream, freedom of speech, freedom to practice our faith, freedom after freedom after freedom. And yet, some people claim it’s not enough. They insist on looking at what is wrong with America and they miss what is right with America. They live in fear and
Enthusiastic Yes!
Podcast #19 Grace Miller – Military spouses, spousehood.com
I’m excited for you to meet Grace Miller! She is a military spouse and the creator of a new website, spousehood.com. I loved talking to her about being a military spouse and digging deeper into what that looks like and what kinds of support they need. The website will offer tips and lifestyle ideas
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Enthusiastic Yes!
The Mirror Moment
I don’t know anymore. I hear them say the country is going to hell in a hand basket. And I think but God… I listen to reports of protesting and fear and anger. People imagining a particular outcome is certain doom. And I think but God…. I hear of church corruption and abuse and people