Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: yes

  • Do You Want to Get Well?

    Do You Want to Get Well?

    That’s the first question. Ask yourself, do I want to get well? It sounds silly, right? Of course everyone wants to be well. You would assume. And yet, we know people who are just really comfortable in their dis-ease or their dis-function or their victimhood. Maybe they don’t know another…

  • Root Down to Rise Up

    Root Down to Rise Up

      We say this in yoga a lot. We need to “root down to rise up”. It’s helpful instruction for yoga and life. Physically, I think of it as planting my feet and forming a solid base before I raise up my arms or do anything with my upper body.…

  • My Mat

    I went to yoga today for the first time in months. I actually went to a new studio and tried a new class with new people. All the newness almost had me saying, “no” again. But then I remembered all the talk about “yes” that I’ve been putting out there.…