See how I did that?
I called the podcast something all polite and formal, “We need your authentic voice.” But then when I had a chance to write the title of this post, I went with “Talk like you talk.” See the difference?
This is what I’m discussing on the podcast today. How do we show up as ourselves, even in business? How do we talk to clients like they are our best friend and we are chatting over coffee or a glass of wine?
What if your client was in your living room with shoes off, eating crackers and cheese? OR what if they were actually standing at your kitchen counter eating peanut butter off the spoon? How would you talk to them then?
I doubt you’d be all…”We need your authentic voice.” It’s more like, “Tell me everything.” And if they started acting all formal, you’d be like, “Why are you being so weird, what’s going on?”
So, in that spirit, I’ll leave you to listen to this episode. And then go talk like you talk. Even when that gets people in Texas saying things like, “WOW. Where are you from?”
Whatever. I’m from Chicaaaaaaago. You got a problem wit that?