Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

The Battle for our Minds.

Okay. It’s time to armor up. We are in a battle for our minds and we are losing. We are allowing the darkness of lies to take root in our thoughts. This is urgent.

It is urgent for all of us. It is urgent for our young adults. Whatever age you are, this is for you. We need to get this for ourselves and then lead well.

DO NOT HESITATE to drown yourself in the Word of God. Start immediately. Take every thought captive. The way you are feeling comes from what you are thinking. Grab ahold of the negative, limiting, dark thoughts now.

We are not going to fight them like the world fights. We are not going to get nasty and cancel people and start blaming and shifting the focus off of ourselves. This is our work to do. It’s a vertical thing. Connect with God and watch the transformation happen.

This is bigger than some hashtag or platitude on Instagram. We are going deep. What lies are you believing? Where have you given the enemy an opening? The first step is awareness. There is no condemnation or shame but if we don’t know where we are, we don’t know how to move forward.

Follow me on Instagram @greatbigyes. I’m doing Instagram lives over there on this topic and I plan to offer a course or group soon. We have to be in a strong community to do this work. We need each other. The time is now. For us, for our kids, communities, states, country, world.