Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

The Magnolia Story

Major Announcement for all of you who are not following me on social media! (Mom)

I am so excited to be a part of the:



Y’all.  For real. We are called the Shiplappers.  I love this so much. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, tune into the show, Fixer Upper, on HGTV.  Do a push up every time someone says Shiplap. 🙂

The darling Chip and Joanna Gaines have written a book, The Magnolia Story,  and I get to help spread the word and give some sneak peeks.  However, I’m challenged on my blog skills and I can’t figure out how to sneak peek over here on the blog.  For that reason, you must join me on Facebook (@GreatBigYES) and/or Instagram (@suebidstrup) and/or Twitter (@greatbigyes) to get all the good stuff.  Mom…I know.  Don’t worry.  I will send you a link in email.

If you don’t know them, Chip and JoJo (we’re best friends now) find houses for people and redesign and remodel and redecorate them.  I want to live in every single one. Gorgeous.

But my favorite thing about them is the way they love each other.  They laugh and are silly and have so much joy in their lives.  Guess what? They LOVE JESUS! So, while I’m excited about shiplap and silos and the farm and Waco and all the things…I’m most excited about the way they love the Lord and each other.  It’s an honor to help share their story.

Here’s an intro:

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©2016 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™, All Rights Reserved