I saw my friend Mary the other day.
Her head was shaved and I asked her why.
She said her daughter has cancer and is losing her hair. She is upset about it so Mary shaved her head so her daughter wouldn’t feel alone.
Her daughter said she knew her mom loved her, she just didn’t know she loved her this much.
But we do, don’t we?
No matter the age or the situation, we love them that much.
Mary knows it’s just hair. She had the wisdom to know that her presence and her sacrifice and her solidarity with her daughter is so much more important than her hair. Mary knows she has power. She has power to make someone feel less alone. And she used that power to bring blessing.
Every little girl wants to know someone loves them wholly, fully, truly, forever and ever. Every girl and woman wants to know that promises are real and love is everlasting. We want to know we are understood. We want assurance that someone in the world really gets us.
Mary did that for her daughter. She sealed the mother thing. After years of mothering and caring and giving, she continued to use her power to love. By shaving her head, she said this, “I am your mom and I love you and I am always with you. When you are in pain, I am in pain. I only want joy and health and goodness for you. I never want you to feel alone. I would do anything for you. Since the day you were born, I have prayed for your health and happiness and for God to richly bless you in all ways. I will never stop praying and loving and being there for you. I will never stop.”
Today I thank God for the gift of Mary and all women who are using their power to bring blessing.
I’m excited to be linking up to Emily at her blog Chatting at the Sky. Each Tuesday during December, she has invited people to share stories and celebrate the gifts of everyday life. She’s calling it “Tuesdays Unwrapped” and here’s the link http://www.chattingatthesky.com. Enjoy!
I’d love to hear what gifts you are unwrapping today!
©2012 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™ All Rights Reserved