Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

The Prayer Project

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I love people.

Thanks for all of you who have sent prayers.  They are beautiful.  You are beautiful.  Your faith is extraordinary.  Thank you for the genuine pleas for grace and help and for trusting that God is that powerful.

Let’s ramp it up.  I’m feeling a Holy Spirit movement here.  If you haven’t sent a prayer yet, please do.

I’ve made it easier!  See the words at the top of the screen under the pretty winter picture?

See where it says Prayer Request?

Okay, click on that and you can put in a prayer request.  You can do it anonymously!  When it asks your name, leave it blank.  When it asks your email, leave it blank.  Or if you prefer, you can put your email and you will receive notifications that others have prayed your prayer too!!

Seriously.  God and the Holy Spirit are in the computer!  They are everywhere!  We are part of a really cool thing – using technology for GOOD.  Using the computer for GRACE.  It’s too much it’s SO AWESOME!

You know when you go to Google something and you are so surprised that someone else has Googled that exact same question even though it seems so obscure and kind of out there?  I love that.  It makes me feel like I’m less silly and weird.

Imagine how I felt when I looked into the blog platform to see if I could link up some prayer requests and there were several ways to do it?  Imagine.  LOTS of people asking for this.  LOTS of creators creating this good, beautiful, faithful, sharing way to be.  It’s like a movement for Grace.  Right in there with all the other stuff on the internet.

Please join in. If you prefer to send an email, that’s good too.  I told the people that I know in town to feel free to drop prayers in my mail box any time as well.  🙂

I don’t know what we should call it.  The Prayer Project?  The Prayer Revolution?  Grace from the keyboard?  Moms who pray together feel less alone?  Moms who realize others have the same concerns suddenly don’t feel so overwhelmed?  Typing for Grace?  Who knows? Any ideas?  I feel like t-shirts and bumper stickers may be in our future.

Please join us.

I was listening to the radio and I heard a speaker talk about when he dropped his daughter off at college.  He said he was crying so hard, he couldn’t even pray for her (he’s a preacher!).  She had to pray for herself!

It made me think of all the moms out there that are crying so hard they can’t pray.  They are tired and weary and scared and lonely and they don’t have the words to even ask for help.  We have to pray for them.  We can be the voice that storms the heavens on their behalf.  We need each other.  Let’s pray for those moms.  Think about it, write it up, share it.

If you are feeling like singing that song, “It’s me, It’s me, It’s me O Lord, standing in the need of prayer.” Then by all means, pray for yourself.  If you know a friend in need, pray for them.  Pray for babies and young kids and old kids and grandkids, pray for husbands and friends and preachers and leaders. Just do it.  Share your prayer.

When we put it out there to God and we lift up our voices with the expectation and trust that He hears us…well, at that point, it is in His hands and miracles will happen.

Think of the story in the Bible about the friends asking Jesus for help for their paralyzed friend.   (The underlines are mine- you know how I like to POINT THINGS OUT.)

The Help of Friends – Luke 5:17-20

One day Jesus was teaching the people. The Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there too. They had come from every town in Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. The Lord (God) was giving Jesus the power to heal people. There was a man that was paralyzed (crippled). Some men carried him on a mat. The men tried to bring him and put him down before Jesus. But there were so many people that the men could not find a way to Jesus. So the men went up on the roof and lowered the crippled man down through a hole in the ceiling. They lowered the mat {into the room} so that the crippled man was lying before Jesus. Jesus saw that these men believed. Jesus said to the sick man, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” The Jewish teachers of the law and the Pharisees thought to themselves, “Who is this man (Jesus)? He is saying things that are against God! Only God can forgive sins.” But Jesus knew what they were thinking. He said, “Why do you have these questions in your minds? The Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins. But how can I prove this to you? Maybe you are thinking it was easy for me to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ {No one could see if it really happened.} But what if I say to the man, ‘Stand up and walk’? Then you will be able to see that I really have this power.” So Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, stand up! Take your mat and go home!” Then the man stood up before the people there. He picked up his mat and walked home, praising God. All the people were fully amazed. They began to praise God. The people were filled with much respect {for God’s power}. They said, “Today we saw amazing things!”

 — Luke 5:17-26 (ERV)

They didn’t say, “This is too hard” or “We can’t get in”…they LOWERED HIM DOWN THROUGH A HOLE IN THE CEILING!

If they can do that, we can lift our babies and our toddlers and our teenagers and our grown children up in prayer.  We can hold our sisters and mothers and friends and daughters and sons up to Jesus and say, “Help them, love them, protect them.”  We can be voices for women who can’t get out of bed today.  We can literally hold them up in prayer until they can “walk again”.  We can create that space for them to rest and be weak because we know our God is strong…we can carry them to Jesus.

I love the verse in the passage above that says…Jesus saw that these men believed.

Let’s show Him we believe too.

Let’s Pray.

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©2013 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™ All Rights Reserved
photo in bedroom from
picture of “pray key” from Pinterest