Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

The Year of YES

GBY YES 2015


Happy New Year!

The last few days I’ve been reading all the posts about what YOU NEED TO DO TO BE HAPPY and SKINNY and IN LOVE and FULFILLED and  MORE ORGANIZED and BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I’ll be up front with you.  I’m not that kind of girl.

I won’t be telling you how to do anything.

I don’t have all the answers.

Sometimes I wonder why I’m writing a blog at all.  Truth is I don’t know much for sure. But then I remember.  I like writing.  I like pretty pictures.  I like playing with fonts and new apps and photos.  I like feeling connected.  I like this community.

I set out to write about Jesus and faith.  I dreamed of a people opening their in boxes and seeing an email that makes them smile or think or pray or thank.  Maybe my words would go out to 10 people or 100 people or more.  Maybe they would touch one heart.  I didn’t know and I still don’t.

In May of 2010, I felt God saying, “Go ahead, try it” and I said, “YES”.  I had no idea what I was doing.  But for some reason, that didn’t scare me.

One yes leads to another yes and on and on.

For me, this yes has led to a deepening of my faith.  A once a week sit down with God and the computer has turned into an every day all day best friend connection with Jesus.

It really doesn’t have anything to do with the blog. Jesus would have pursued me another way.  He doesn’t need me to do any sort of work to meet Him.  He doesn’t require that we write or do holy yoga or lead Bible studies or speak to crowds of people about Him.  But isn’t it so great that He uses fun, exciting things that we are passionate about to reach us?  Isn’t it great that He does healing and growth and sanctification through the things that we love?  I believe He LOVES to marry our passions and our purpose so we can talk about Him with JOY and LAUGHTER and EXCITEMENT.

He will use it all.  He will find a way into our hearts.He relentlessly pursues us because He loves us.  So, this blog didn’t reveal Jesus to me and I know that my writing won’t reveal Jesus to you.

Jesus will reveal Himself.

He will open doors.

He will offer opportunities.

He wants us.

He wants you.

This year say Yes.

Whatever it is you feel Him calling you to…no matter how outlandish the sound…even if no one else understands…when your heart is beating fast and you are short of breath and you just know it’s the Holy Spirit…say, “Yes”.

Then He will reveal the next step.

We don’t have to know where we are going.

He does.

Next time He opens that door for you…go ahead…walk through it unafraid.  He’s got this.



©2015 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™, All Rights Reserved