Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

This is our Invitation to Move from Comfort to Contentment

It’s challenging to move out of your comfort zone and grow. Sometimes we have to be forced to do so. I believe that’s what’s happening now with the Coronavirus. We are being told to stay home and practice “social distancing”. Our regular way of life is being interrupted.

We have two choices. We can follow the herd into fear and panic and hysteria and hoarding, or we can look at this as an opportunity for growth. I believe God is inviting us to move from a place of comfort to a new level of contentment.

I dive deeper into this idea on my newest podcast. Listen here:

Even though this time is uncomfortable and we are understandably, there is some confusion, we don’t have to choose fear and panic. We can choose to think differently. We know our thoughts create our feelings and our feelings create our actions so it is absolutely time to take every thought captive. When you feel yourself slipping into fear, what’s your thought? How can you choose a new thought? This is a practice and it’s what coaching is all about. Examining our lives, our thoughts, our beliefs and getting rid of the limitations that we place on our lives by choosing thoughts that don’t serve us.

Do you feel it too? God’s gentle nudge to do the interior work in our lives is often ignored. Well, this is no gentle nudge. It’s more like a swift kick in the pants. It’s a wake up call. It’s an invitation to dig deep and be transformed. Many will call this a medical crisis, others will tell you it will lead to a financial crisis, you will hear pundits and politicians saying all sorts of things that cause fear and panic and an over reliance on the government. Beware. Make no mistake. There is something greater at work here. This is spiritual. We are standing on Holy ground.

Let’s take this opportunity to cling to God and His promises. Let’s choose faith and trust and hope. Let’s define for ourselves what we need to be content. Let’s teach our children what it looks like to live in faith and to reject the fear and the panic of the masses. Let’s be the light.