Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!



Those of you who know me can look at this picture and you can feel how excited I am.

Two songs come to mind right now.

1) Blank Space by Taylor Swift… “I’ve got a blank space baby…and I’ll write your name.” (This is pretty much always on my mind since I can’t stop singing it.)

2) Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield.  “Today is where your book begins.  The rest is still unwritten.”


I feel like the last few months God has been showing me that HE IS NOWHERE NEAR FINISHED WITH ME!

Everything is new.  New town, new state, new people, new schools, new house(s), new cowboy boots, new food (brisket tacos anyone?), new church, new topography (hills!), new, new, new!

He is reminding me that I am never too old to do a new thing…I am never done growing spiritually.  His plan and purpose for me might look like something I have never seen before. He’s working on my heart.  He’s giving me new eyes.

I remember a parent once talking about kids and sports.  My daughter was in 2nd or 3rd grade and this parent said in all seriousness with regards to playing sports, “Well, the table is already set.”


I’ll tell you right now, I’m 45 years old and not only is the table not “set”, the table has been moved and repainted and has different chairs around it and is just now getting ready for the next thing. And tomorrow, it will be fresh and clean and ready to be “set” again in a new way.


Don’t you ever think it’s too late or you are too far gone or you are too old, too heavy, too sick, too tired, too sinful.  God does not see those lies about you.  He sees the truth of who you are…He sees you as His beloved daughter or son.  He has a plan and purpose for you and for your life.  There are NO LIMITS on what He can do with you and for you and on behalf of you.  He is in the transformation business!  He is doing a new thing.

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:19

I am super excited to tell you about a new thing that is going on with Holy Yoga.  Holy Yoga has started offering Virtual Bible Studies.  These Bible studies take place over the phone so you can participate from anywhere!  Not only that but they are recorded so if you have to miss a call, you can still listen to it via recording.  Heck, you could listen to all of them on recording if you can’t participate live. I am going to be leading one of these studies starting in February! (yay! can’t wait! join me!)  Calls will be Monday mornings from 10-11:15 am central time for 5 weeks straight.  February 9th – March 9th.

(Now if you are feeling nervous about the phone call aspect wondering “How does this work?” “What if I don’t know how to call in?” “I’ve never done this before.” and other things like that…Mom, I hear you…DON’T WORRY!! I will help you and walk you through it! It’s actually really easy.  We will learn together! It’s okay if we stumble a little and have to talk over each other a bit…it’s all okay.  Grace abounds for everyone! We are all in this together! Just pick up the phone and get in on the call!)

I will be teaching a study based on the book The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning.  OH MY GOSH IT’S MY FAVORITE BOOK EVER!

Honestly, this book has spoken life and freedom into me over and over again.  It is like a warm cozy hug of God’s goodness – I can’t wait to share it with you!

So I was thinking…I know it’s tough to think ahead to February when you have Christmas gifts to buy and cookies to eat but believe you me…when the new year comes, you are going to feel like doing a new thing.  Amen? So let’s do this new thing together.  Bible study over the phone with people from everywhere on the call – sharing and growing together in Christ. Authentic Community.

It would be a great present to give yourself for Christmas! Maybe you can have someone gift it to you.  Or you can gift it to your friends. I can’t think of anything better to give a friend…God’s word, time with other believers, community.  What about buying the book as a gift for someone and then encouraging them to join us on the calls?  Here’s the link if you want to sign up:

He is doing a new thing.

And so am I.

What about you?

See that blank space up there?  Can I write your name?


©2014 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™, All Rights Reserved