Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

If These Walls Could Talk


If these walls could talk, what would they say?

Would they tell about the love? And the tears? and the growing pains?

Did they see when I was unsure and afraid and stepping out the door with trepidation?

Could they feel when I returned and sank deep into the comfort of home?

Do they know how much I needed this place?

Do they realize how it made me feel to call this home? Proud. Safe. Blessed.

Would they talk about the laughter and the silliness? What about the dancing and the music?

They couldn’t see it from the street but you could.

Did you see how the lamplight looked from the street? Did you see it and call it cozy?

Because inside it was. Cozy. Warm. Friendly. Kind.


It isn’t perfect. But that’s good because neither am I. We fit. With all our quirks, we held each other.

It embraced me. It soothed me.  It sheltered the people I love.

If these walls could talk, I think they would whisper blessings. I think they would tell me it’s okay to go now. It’s time.

They would hold my sacred secrets and wish me well.

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