Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

We Can’t Control Our Circumstances but We Can Control our Character.

New Podcast!

Okay, we are living in some strange times. Whether you have a brick and morter business or work from home, whether you are a parent or a grandparent or a student…everyone’s life has changed. We have been asked to practice social distancing. We are home bound. And this has a lot of us coming face to face with ourselves. This can be challenging and it can be life changing. If we let it.

What we THINK about this situation will determine how it goes.

While we can’t control our external circumstances right now, we do have control over our character. Character is defined as the “mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual”. We can choose our thoughts and our beliefs and live in freedom regardless of what is going on around us!

I talk about all of this on this podcast. This is a perfect time for us to learn about the model and how our thoughts create our feelings and that leads us to action and results. I run through an example on the podcast and I’ve created a freebie for you to download and practice your own thought models.

Click HERE to download!

How are you? I’d love to know what thoughts you are taking captive. I’d love to see what old stories, outdated scripts and beliefs that are no longer serving you get kicked to the curb in this time. I’d love to celebrate your freedom with you!

Many people will judge others in a time like this. Maybe they are used to avoiding inner work by going out, shopping, eating out…maybe those things are no longer available to them so they spend time judging others. This too is a form of avoidance, of numbing out, of not doing the internal work. Don’t look outward at others. Don’t waste your precious time pointing at others or placing blame. This is an invitation for you to use this time of moving away from others as an opportunity to move closer to yourself. Start with noticing your thoughts.

I’m over here doing the work too. We are all in this together. Literally, all of us. Every person everywhere. Pretty strange and pretty spectacular, huh? I trust God to do something amazing in this time.

Keep saying yes! I’m rooting for you!


P.S. Romans 12:2 says: Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your MIND.