Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

What do you believe about God’s provision?

Do you have an abundance mindset?

Honestly, just typing that feels gross. It feels new agey and shallow and trendy. It feels like an Instagram post. Trite.

But the concept is important to talk about. It guides your life. And if you are in business, it’s the make or break question.

Let me put it another way. What do you believe about God’s provision?

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. – 2 Corinthians 9:8

I coach women who are launching or growing a business. These are creative, intelligent, courageous women who are strong and capable. They have said, “YES!” to making their dreams come true. And yet, when it comes to it, many are still walking around with clenched fists.

When we are in business, we are serving our clients.

Two questions I always ask:

Who do you serve?

How can you help?

Let me add a third question here: How can you overdeliver so your client is blown away by your generosity?

Did you immediately start thinking, “Well, they would have to pay more if I offer that!” or “Well, I don’t want to offer that and then have them steal my ideas!” or “I have to make sure they can’t ask for their money back.”

Check yourself. Is that fear talking? Are you allowing thoughts of scarcity to creep in? Are you afraid there is not enough?

You can’t be generous if you are not generous. What??? What I mean is, this generosity of spirit and of action, comes from your identity. It comes from your belief. Do you believe God is a God of provision?

Start there.

Who is God?

Do you trust Him?

This does not mean we don’t charge for our work. This does not mean we do everything for free. But we do enter into every relationship with our clients with open palms, open hearts and a generous spirit. You have something they need. You can help them. Do it. Show up fully. Don’t be a hoarder.

Trust God. It’s all His anyway.