Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

What’s on the other side of your “YES”?
New podcast! #96!

New podcast!

It’s scary to enter into something when you don’t know what’s on the other side. It’s frightening to say “YES” when you feel unsure of the outcome. And yet, it’s the first step.

Think of all the invitations you have received in your life. Think of all the times you said “YES”. Do you regret them? Usually not. It’s the times when we said, “No”, that haunt us. They say we don’t regret the things we did, we regret the things we didn’t do. I can relate to that. You too?

There is only one you. You are the only one with your voice, telling your stories. Only you know the people you know and have gone the places you’ve gone. You are unique. We need you. No one else can do the thing you are called to do.

When we say “YES” to our lives, to our authentic selves, to our gifting, to our calling, it’s like saying, “Let’s go!” “Let’s start the adventure!”. You may never feel ready. It doesn’t matter. Say “YES” anyway.

If you are afraid or confused or overwhelmed, bring it. It’s in the midst of all of that messiness that God does His best work. He can do anything, anytime, anywhere for anyone. But when you show up with palms open, heart open, not knowing what comes next but trusting Him anyway, well…then… abundance flows. It’s unstoppable. You are unstoppable. You can’t lose. In saying, “YES”, you’ve already won. The rest is just gravy.

Let me know what your “YES” is. I want to celebrate with you!

Cheering you on!
