This is such a fun podcast episode! It’s a conversation between me, Davis Ehrler, Cynthia Newton, and Megan Huff. This is a real, unfiltered, hilarious chat that you will love!
We talk about common sense, personal responsibility, the lost art of asking questions. We identify words we hate and things that make us go, “Wait…What?!?!” in the news today.
I loved this so much I have decided to include a “Wait…What?!?!” segment on every podcast moving forward. I will be addressing things in news and pop culture that have me scratching my head in confusion.
I want this to be a community effort so send me ideas for the segment! What has you asking…”Wait…What?” I want to know! Email me at for a chance to have your topic discussed on the show. Or connect with me and DM me on Instagram @greatbigyes
If we want to create a life we love, we have to be willing to honestly look at what is going on around us and choose for ourselves what we believe and what we will allow into our lives. So much in the news today is fear based. I will not fall into that fear and I won’t just blindly accept what is being force fed to me. As a coach I know that I must take ownership of my life. I get to choose how to live. I get to choose my thoughts. I am free.
We must all take personal responsibility and ask questions and seek answers and set boundaries. There is a lot of junk out there passing as news and information and it’s garbage.
God gave us wisdom and discernment and His Word and the Holy Spirit so we don’t fall into traps. Also, my parents gave taught me not to believe everything I hear and they were fond of saying, “The masses are the asses”. Which is so true!
So with a foundation of faith and a strong belief in common sense, this is the kick off to what I hope is more real talk. I hope real talk is the only talk we take part in. We don’t have time for any more nonsense.
Enjoy this episode and let me know what you think! Also, please let me know what’s on your mind. What has you scratching your head thinking, “Hmmm….that doesn’t make sense…”
A better, more peaceful, joyful life starts with us taking responsibility for our thoughts, words, feelings, actions. No one else is the boss of you. Take ownership of your life today.
I’m rooting for you!
Keep Saying YES!
P.S. The book Megan mentioned is “I Think You’re Wrong but I’m Listening”, Your Guide to Grace Filled Political Conversations.