Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Why would you hire a Life Coach?

The other day I met with an accountant. With regards to running a business, I realized I can’t do it all. I’ve also hired a photographer, someone to help with my website, I’ve asked countless questions about email lists and social media. I am learning. I’m going to the people who know how to help me in these different areas. Maybe you’ve been in this position too.

Maybe you’ve come across this in running the household. It’s a lot. You may have realized, Okay…I can’t do everything so I’ll hire a house cleaner or a lawn service or maybe a meal service. We hire tutors for our kids, we pay someone to cut our hair, maybe we hire a personal trainer, we pay nutritionists to tell us what to eat, we join diet programs, we are constantly seeking out help.

And yet, when it comes to our mental, emotional and spiritual health, we decide…well, I’ll just read a book. I’ll figure it out. Or better yet, we ask a friend. Maybe we have been hashing out the same exact thing with a friend for YEARS and nothing changes. Maybe we share something that is really important to us and we are looking for clarity and a friend says, “Oh, that’s not a big deal.” Or maybe they make it worse by complaining with us, judging, gossiping, “jumping on the bandwagon”. Maybe we are afraid to tell anyone what we are struggling with. These are some of the reasons we stay stuck.

I’ve heard it said that the “quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask yourself”. But we have never learned how to ask ourselves the right questions. This is where a life coach can help.

A life coach helps clients identify thought patterns that may be holding them back. They help clients get unstuck by identifying blocks and challenges. A life coach can spot opportunities and can help clients reach their full potential by asking key questions. This is so exciting! For me as a coach it’s so rewarding to hear a client say, “I never thought of it that way before!”

Life coaching is confidential and the coach is there FOR YOU. Sometimes it’s difficult when we are trying to work out something and we are hashing it out with a spouse or a friend or our mom, and they have their own agenda in the situation. They have “skin in the game”. They want a certain outcome or they have opinions and history with regards to the situation. A coach can give you perspective. A coach is not in the middle of the situation but can look at it from a new vantage point, without personal entanglements. This is incredibly helpful to the client because it helps them find clarity.

Are you looking for clarity? Better relationships? More peace? A more abundant life? Are you tired of feeling stuck? Do you have a goal you want to reach? A life coach can help you with all of those things! Don’t waste any more time struggling on your own.

I would love to work with you! Your first step is to schedule a 20 minute FREE call with me. Click here to schedule now: